science-driven approach

ITC’s approach to diagnosis and treatment is far from the traditional trial-and-error method. Instead, we employ a sophisticated and all-encompassing methodology involving engaging esteemed soil botanists to conduct extensive soil examination and testing. This scientific approach allows ITC to identify the primary source of the problem, and propose a comprehensive resolution to any landscaping concern, ensuring the most effective and long-lasting solution.

Science Driven


With a wealth of knowledge and expertise collected over three decades, and an unwavering commitment to delivering the highest caliber of service, we have crafted a process that ensures the complete satisfaction of all client requirements.

1. We use cloud technology to digitize our inquiry process and ensure all client data is secured.

2. The customer is granted complete transparency into our services, allowing them to hold us accountable for our actions, ensuring satisfaction. We also share all test results with our clients and present them with viable solutions.

3. We ensure that our pricing is fully disclosed and adaptable to suit the specific needs of our clients.